2018年6月25日 星期一



To begin with the first question concerning the necessity of a cause: ’Tis a
general maxim in philosophy, that whatever begins to exist, must have a cause of
existence. This is commonly taken for granted in all reasonings, without any
proof given or demanded.
Here again I turn the object on all sides, in order to discover the nature of this
necessary connexion, and find the impression, or impressions, from which its
idea may be deriv’d. When I cast my eye on the known qualities of objects, I
immediately discover that the relation of cause and effect depends not in the
least on them.When I consider their relations, I can find none but those of contiguity and succession; which I have already regarded as imperfect and unsatisfactory. Shall the despair of success make me assert, that I am here possest of an idea, which is not preceded by any similar impression? This woud be too strong a proof of levity and inconstancy; since the contrary principle has been already so firmly establish’d, as to admit of no farther doubt; at least, till we have more fully examind the present difficulty(p.55)
Tis necessary for us to leave the direct survey of this question concerning the nature of that necessary connexion, which enters into our idea of cause and effect
necessary connexion是我的觀念中重要的部分
First, For what reason we pronounce it necessary, that every thing whose existence has a beginning, should also have a cause
Tis a general maxim in philosophy, that whatever begins to exist, must have a cause of existence. This is commonly taken for granted in all reasonings, without any
proof given or demanded. (p.56)
whatever has a beginning has also a cause of existence. That proposition therefore is not intuitively certain(p.56)
Accordingly we shall find upon examination, that every demonstration,
which has been producd for the necessity of a cause, is fallacious and sophistical.
If every thing must have a cause, it follows, that upon the exclusion of other causes we must accept of the object itself or of nothing as causes.(P.57)
Why we conclude,that such particular causes must necessarily have such particular effects, and why we form an inference from one to another?
When we infer effects from causes, we must establish the existence of these
causes; which we have only two ways of doing, either by an immediate perception
of our memory or senses, or by an inference from other causes.which
causes again we must ascertain in the same manner, either by a present impression,
or by an inference from their causes, and so on, till we arrive at some object,
which we see or remember. ’Tis impossible for us to carry on our inferences in
infinitum; and the only thing, that can stop them, is an impression of the
memory or senses, beyond which there is no room for doubt or enquiry.
建立事物的原因的方法有兩個1.用理性無限推理回去 2.用impression記憶之類的東西,但是(1)是不可能的,所以我們建立因果關係的方式其實是靠impression(Hume是在說impression不可靠嗎?)
that all reasonings concerning causes and effects are originally derivd from some impression(p.59)
We may draw inferences from the coherence of our perceptions,
whether they be true or false; whether they represent nature justly, or be mere
illusions of the senses(p.59)
When I cast my eye on the known qualities of objects, I
immediately discover that the relation of cause and effect depends not in the
least on them. When I consider their relations, I can find none but those of contiguity
and succession




Hume《人性論》 To begin with the first question concerning the necessity of a cause: ’Tis a general maxim in philosophy, that whatever begi...